Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Getting Started!

So you've probably been wondering what I've been doing to lose weight... Or maybe you want to take part yourself, but don't know where to start. I want to help you with this guide to going from fat 2 fit. So, I wrote this out for my sister who will embarking on this journey with me. She is a busy mom of a crazy tot and really isn't thrilled about getting in shape, but I convinced her to let me write out a weekly plan for her so she can get started. Now, this is an intense beginning because I don't sugar coat it. You can change it up to meet your needs, but I believe you're either all in or your out. You can't workout hard everyday and eat fast food and expect to lose weight. Believe me I've tried and failed! But you can change your life and see changes rather quickly. I think the important thing to realize is you can do it! With hard-work, determination and guidance we all can. So here is a week one plan to get you started. It's a lot to take in at once, but print it out and commit to it for one week. Then you'll want more and that's what happens. As the weeks go by it becomes more intense and you'll be waiting for more.
So here we go:
From Fat 2 Fit Chick
ü  Workout at gym at least 2 days a week if you have a membership or a friend who will let you join them.
ü  Take walks or get some type of cardio (at least 30 mins.) 3-4 times a week.
ü  Regular at home workouts on days you don't make it to the gym:
o   Arm workout*:
§  3 sets of 10 Butterfly
§  3 sets of 10 Right Angle
§  3 sets of 10 Back Hang
§  3 sets of 10 Curl Up
§  3 sets of 10 push ups
o   Leg workout*:
§  3 sets of 20 lunges (10 per leg)
§  3 sets of 20 step ups (10 per leg)
§  3 sets of 100 jumps on rope (Pretend jump if not available)
o   Ab workout*:
§  3 sets of  20 sit ups
§  3 sets of  20 Russian twists
§  3 sets of planks (options: hold for a min for each set, do toe touches or drag a weight across)
o   Random Workout:
§  3 sets of 20 Burpees
§  3 sets of 20 Squats
§  3 sets of 20 Jumping Jacks
§  3 sets of 20 Push Ups
§  3 sets of 20 Sit Ups
*Use a weight of some sort to increase intensity. If no weight use canned goods, a bag filled with heavy objects or water bottles. Whatever you can find use it and push yourself!
ü  Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day.
ü  Roughly 1450 calories a day (This is for my sister so go online and find out what works for you).
ü  Drinking water. A LOT!! At least 64 ounces (or 8 glasses a day or 4 bottles of water).
o   Use flavorings like lemon, mint, tea (no sugar). Don’t use artificial sweeteners.
ü  Meal Ideas:
o   Space them out every couple hours.
o   Eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner & dessert or small snack.
o   Try to eat at the same time each day.
o   Prepare meals in advance and think ahead of time about what you will eat.
o   Steer clear of fast food!! Not only good for your wallet, it’ll be better on your health.
Also, try a smoothie as a snack and add in veggies too.

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